employees wearing business lanyards

14 October, 2022

Lanyards - The Best Promotional Products for Your Business

It can be difficult to choose the right promotional product for your business with all the choices out there. You might think that branded pens are effective because they’re used daily, but people will throw them after use.

On the other hand, Lanyards make excellent promotional products because they’re useful and encourage the recipients to keep your business name around their necks — where they can be seen by everyone they come into contact with.

Here are some of the reasons why lanyards make such great promotional products:

First impressions last
Just like in life, when you meet someone for the first time, you’re making an impression. Try using promotional lanyards to set yourself apart from your competition and make that lasting impression at your next tradeshow or event. Not only are they a great way to display your name and/or logo so that customers can identify you on sight, but they are also popular with employees who use them as ID holders. Lanyards come in all shapes and sizes and can be used as key chains or wristbands. You will have a large number of choices when it comes to choosing custom lanyards.

The key to giveaways
Many people are big fans of promotional products that are useful and eye-catching. Lanyards are, therefore, people's favourite types of promotional products. This is because lanyards can be branded with logos and slogans. They look professional, too – definitely not something to give away at your child’s birthday party. So, if you want to impress clients, offer them something they need – but make sure it’s nice-looking enough to serve as a subtle advertisement.

Benefits of lanyards
Keychains can quickly become a tangled mess. Not only does it look unsightly, but it also makes it difficult to locate keys in a hurry. Lanyards solve these problems by utilising different attachment points along their length, which keeps keys together and easily accessible.

Additionally, lanyards provide you with unlimited marketing space. Simply add your logo or slogan to each and promote your business wherever they go. Finally, lanyards come in various styles and colours to suit every personality and outfit. No matter how unique you want to be, there’s a lanyard waiting for you.

If you’re looking to up your business game, one of the easiest and most affordable ways to do it is by including a lanyard in any event or giveaway. Even if you don’t know what they are, lanyards have been used as promotional products for years; after all, what better way to get people involved with a branding campaign than by making it an integral part of their day-to-day lives? Adding your brand name and logo to lanyards makes them ideal promotional products. They're useful items that will likely see regular use. It's easy to see why companies from all industries love using lanyards as promotional products. So how can you determine which type of lanyard is best for your company? Check what we have on our website and choose those models that suit your marketing needs.

The Lanyards Only Team